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Maritime law: trauma caused by an accident at sea

Economic growth in major countries such as China, India, Thailand, and other major countries is pushing the demand for coal and oil to the region's primary energy sources, which in turn is driving exploration companies to invest in offshore drilling in this region. To fill many of the required jobs, the demands on offshore workers increased in number and the risk they took. 

Maritime law: trauma caused by an accident at sea

The maritime industry was one of the largest industries in the world, and every year the demand from the said industry increased rapidly due to the needs of different countries in different parts of the world. 

As a seafarer, do you know what the risks were with the job you have? What laws and laws protect you and this can be done?

There were laws related to maritime affairs and the rights and privileges of seafarers. The Admiralty Act is for the sea, maritime law regulates contracts between parties trading over the sea, but in 1845 Congress passed a law that the Admiralty Act could be introduced on the ground. It was quite complicated, but it was the only thing that could save the lives and families of maritime workers. 

There have been several events that have left remarkable thoughts in history, such as the Vermilion 380 oil rig that exploded on September 2, 2010, about 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana. A shipping company deals with drilling in deep water in the Gulf, including high-risk projects with great impact that have the potential to create significant value. On the other hand, the survivors of those incidents were safe, but can you imagine the trauma still coming back?

It was very important for a seafarer to be fully aware of all the possibilities in his work, the risk could not be avoided but your demands as a member of a shipping company could be combated to avoid negligence and ensure that she does not leave your family members without financial support and friendship. 

How could this be possible? The best thing you could do was to seek legal advice from an experienced maritime lawyer with one of the best law firms. Maritime lawyers have focused on maritime affairs and cases and similar cases under the Admiralty Act and other maritime laws. 
